Energy Facilitation

Unless we can measure something, science won’t concede it exists which is why science refuses to deal with such ‘non-things’ as the emotions, the mind, the soul, or the spirit.
— Candace B. Pert, Molecules of Emotions

How can ‘Energy Facilitation’ help me?

While physical pain can often be as a result of an accident, it can also manifests as something small initially that gradually builds up into significant pain over time. Emotional pain can also be unconsciously supressed which can manifest as a physical symptom years later. Each of these create an energy imbalance in the body so you are not functioning at your best.

People usually turn to energy facilitation when traditional medicine has relieved symptoms but the problem is still ongoing or it has got progressively worse.

Energy facilitation can locate the blocked point/s and it helps the energy to start flowing freely again in your body. After the treatment you will start to integrate the new energies and your healing process will be accelerated.

As this is an non-evasive treatment, it can be used on most ailments. Benefits include: speeding up recovery time in short and long term illnesses; it releases more vibrant energy into your body; it builds your immune system and protects your energy centres preventing further injuries or illnesses; and finally it reduces stress and aids relaxation. Clients should be able to feel and see the benefits after three sessions.


What is ‘Energy?’


It is a fact that humans, animals and plants are all made up of electromagnetic energy. This energy vibrates at different frequencies depending on your life circumstances. Energy flows through you (Chi) and also around you (Aura) to help maintain a healthy physical and emotional state.

What is light language?

According to recent scientific studies, it is believed that humans only use 2% of their DNA. The rest of the 98% is relegated to “junk DNA”. It is believed that ’light codes’ are written in the remaining part of your DNA, waiting to be activated to help you to remember your true authentic self and to cause positive changes within your physical and mental being. ‘Energy facilitation’ tunes into the quantum field and can transmit a vibrational frequency to reawaken these dormant light codes that will align you to this magnificent energy.

Light language is a form of communication that bypasses the logical mind. It has no fixed alphabet but it is vibrational expression that speaks directly to our soul and DNA. It is best to allow the mind to let go when receiving Light Language instead you can focus on how it makes you feel or simply just listen to receive its benefits.

Light Language can shift our energy to a higher frequency It can help us heal emotionally and physically, connect to our innate wisdom, activate dormant gifts and truths, and connect to our soul’s purpose.

What does the treatment involve?

  • Clients will remove their shoes and lie down on the treatment table.

  • Aromatherapy is used in the treatment room to aid wellbeing.

  • Special lighting is used in the room to help promote higher states of relaxation.

  • Clients will listen to specially selected music to aid their treatment and promote brain wave patterns. At different times in a session, light language may be channelled through.

  • At times the practitioner will place their hands on the clients body and other times they will work in the aura of the body. The practitioner will tune into a higher frequency that can facilitate healing for the client. The function is to clear and re-balance the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the body.


60 minute appointment - £50

Energy Facilitation Course (x6 60 minutes) = £270 (£45 per session)